CompTIA A+ Core 2
5 days training event
The Visible Computer
What is an Operating System?
Users and Super Users
Why Windows?
Windows Editions and Versions
Touring the macOS
Touring Linux
32-Bit vs. 64-Bit Processing
Virtual Memory
Power Supply
Power Protection
Implementing Mass Storage
Understanding Partitioning
MBR Partitioning
GPT Partitioning
Understanding File Systems
Popular File Systems
Formatting in Action
Dynamic Disks
Software RAID in Storage Spaces
Encrypting Mass Storage
Building a PC
Boot from Everything
Installing Windows
Post-Installation Tasks
Windows Installation options
Windows Under the Hood
What is the Registry?
Your Windows Toolset
Windows 7 Task Manager
Windows 10 Task Manager
Information and Configuration Tools
Performance Monitor
Event Viewer
Tools for Programmers
Users, Groups, and Permissions
Introduction to Users and Groups
Managing Users and Groups
NTFS Permissions
Linux and macOS Permissions
File Explorer
Sharing Resources
Security Policies
Maintaining and Optimizing Operating Systems
Patch Management
Working with Disks
Working with Applications
System Restore
Backing up Your Files
Task Scheduler
Working with the Command Line Interface
Understanding the CLI
Navigating the CLI
Working with Folders
Working with Files
Working with Drives
Super Copy Commands
Advanced Windows Command Line
Advanced Linux Commands
Command-Line Permissions
Introduction to Scripting
Interpreted Languages
Troubleshooting Operating Systems
Windows Recovery Environment
Advanced Windows Startup Options
Troubleshooting Boot Problems
Troubleshooting at the GUI
Troubleshooting Applications
Kernel Panic
Display Technologies
Resolutions and Aspect Ratios
Multiple Monitors
Essentials of Networking
Network Card Troubleshooting
Local Area Networking
Working with Connections
Working with Workgroups
Working with Active Directory
Windows Sharing with Mac and Linux
Net Command
Firewall Configuration
Windows Firewall
Port Forwarding
Wireless Networking
Wireless Encryption
Enterprise Wireless
The Internet
Telnet and SSH
Remote Desktop Connections
The World Wide Web
Troubleshooting Internet Connections
Portable Computing
Power Management
Care and Feeding of Mobile Devices
Mobile Device Security
Mobile Security Troubleshooting
Mobile Device Troubleshooting
Securing Computers
Physical Security
Passwords and Authentication
Social Engineering
Incident Response
Environmental Controls
Operational Procedures
Documents You Need to Know
Data You Need to Know
Change Management
The Zen of Backup
Recycling and Data Destruction
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